
What have Machu Picchu, Nelson Mandela and Robert Smith all got in common?

November 27, 2013
Peru will be the subject of one of the forthcoming series of posts in Farflungplaces. Here is an early taste of one of the posts, thanks to our sponsors, Marca Peru. ...


Organising a Piss Up in a Brewery. Port Vila, Vanuatu.

November 21, 2013
There has not been enough focus on beer in Farflungplaces, an important part of the travel experience. I will attempt to put this right with this post. ...


WWII Madness. Million Dollar Point. Santo, Vanuatu

November 18, 2013
Like most of Vanuatu, Espirutu Santo in the northern chain of islands, was occupied by the Americans during WWII to launch their attacks on the Japanese in the Pacific. On their departure from the island they left behind infrastructure like roads and runways, and even buildings, with army built Quonset huts still standing around Santo. The biggest legacy is Million Dollar Point, both...


An island of Blue holes, Beaches and Beef. Santo, Vanuatu.

November 15, 2013
Espiritu Santo (just Santo to the locals) is what the Spanish thought Australia looked like. The explorer De Querios 'discovered' Santo in 1606 and believed he had found the great southern continent. Admittedly the mangroves and the hot humid temperatures do resemble far north Queensland, but that is all. ...


Top ten insider tips for Port Vila, Vanuatu

November 12, 2013
1. On a Wednesday night head down to the Nambawan cafe for their outdoor cinema (you can also go Saturday and Sunday (family film night)). Sitting in comfy chairs, or lying on a blanket, with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and eating one of their tasty pizzas is a great way to spend the evening. As the sun goes down the film begins,...


The film premiere of 'Lon Marum' in Sydney. Nov 28th, 2013.

November 11, 2013
  For those in Sydney, or close to Sydney, a reminder that the Australian premiere of Lon Marum is at the Macleay Museum at Sydney University on the 28th November at 5PM. ...


A Cargo cult, Waiting for the Americans to return. Inyeung, Vanuatu.

November 10, 2013
Inyeung island, or Mystery island, is the southern most island in Vanuatu. It is little visited except by the occasional cruise ship, the intrepid traveller catching a boat across from Aneityum (Anatom), or waiting for the weekly flight from Tanna. ...


Prince Philip is a God. Life in a Kastam village. Tanna, Vanuatu

November 08, 2013
Tanna gets a bad press from inhabitants of the other islands of Vanuatu. Whenever a burglary or crime occurs in Port Vila on the main Efate island 'Man blong Tanna' will conveniently (and mostly unfairly) get the blame. They are a close knit community who have a warlike history against other islands, particularly Erromango to the north, and to unwanted visitors. Missionaries would...


The easy way to climb a Volcano. Mount Yasur, Tanna, Vanuatu

November 07, 2013
Not all volcanic climbs involve multi-day long treks across difficult terrain to view into a crater. Most do, but not all. Mount Yasur in Tanna is probably the easiest Volcano to climb in the world. It is as simple as paying for a trip in a 4WD car across the ash plains and then a drive up a muddy track to a car...


Mi Wantem Parcels (I want my Luggage). Bislama in Vanuatu

November 06, 2013
The national language of Vanuatu is Bislama, a form of pidgin English mixed with the odd French word, thanks to the islands history being ruled by the Anglo-Franco condominium. A rather unique and bizarre joint colonial rule that lasted until independence in 1980. Wonderful stories exist of the rivalry between the French and British, such as paying for an independent Swiss national to...


Lopevi Volcano, Vanuatu

November 05, 2013
  Catching the plane back to Port Vila from Craig Cove, was going to give  me a great chance to see Mt Benbow from the air. But despite being a blue sky day, the whole of the volcano and surrounding caldera was shrouded in clouds and volcanic smoke by the time the plane took off. But, to make up for this, I did...