Cannibals, Cults & Corpses

October 31, 2018
A great new travel book published just in time for Christmas. A selection of travel stories from the more unusual parts of the globe that you can explore from the comfort of your armchair. These are places that you will never see advertised in a travel agent's window. ...


Top 10 Things to do in Dhaka

September 16, 2018
Dhaka is one of the worlds mega-cities, with a population of over 19 million people, and growing by over 5,00 people a week.  Yet with a history going back over two thousand years and being the political and cultural capital of Bangladesh, the densely populated city is one of the best kept secrets in Asia. ...


Where Ships Go to Die. Chittagong

September 01, 2018
When I first moved to Sydney I went to a photographic exhibition one Saturday in Paddington. It was by Sebastiao Selgado, part of an exhibition of prints from his book 'Workers'. There were some stunning shots from around the world, but it was the images from the shipbreaking yards of Chittagong that stuck with me. ...


A ticket on a rocket. Dhaka.

April 16, 2017
You don't need to wait for Virgin Galactic to get their act together. You can buy tickets for a rocket today, down at the port of Sadarghat in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Of course this will not take you into space but down along the rivers of Bangladesh, and for a bargain price too. ...